摘要:With massive explosion of population, the urban inhabitants will rise up to 64% in 2050. This condition increases the pressure on the existing urban road infrastructure and requires substantial maintenance and often expansion of the inter/rural-urban as well as local road as mobility of people and goods upsurge extensively. The construction of these new network and maintenance of existing road infrastructures consumes huge natural resources which further might increase volume of waste and greenhouse gas emission. Currently, approximately 28% provincial road and 41% local (urban) road network in Indonesia are in unsatisfactory condition. There is obvious demand to improve regional road with minimum ecological impact despite limited amount of resources and budget. In achieving sustainable road network, local authorities require a strategy in tackling this complex, large-scale and interconnected problems. This study aims to formulate relevant strategy for local authorities – urban or inter rural-urban level within a province – in operation, maintenance and development of road network by applying strategic management principles. Rational decision model was used in strategy formulation in three consecutive steps: input stage, Matching stage, and Decision Stage. Rational decision model was also used in strategy establishment taking into account the Environmental Minister regulation and some important issues in the Department of public works employing sustainability concept. The strategy proposed is believed to be ecologically sound (environmentally friendly) while improving local road network quality.