摘要:When a ship is moving through another ship moored nearby, hydrodynamic interactions between these ships result in movements of the moored vessel. The movement may occur as surge, sway, and/or yaw. When a ship is passing a moored vessel parallelly, this effect will give a dominant lateral force on the moored ship and response from this phenomenon will appear in a certain time. Only dynamic response due to sway force is considered in this study, the sway force shall be absorb by the breasting dolphin. 40,000 DWT shall be moored to the breasting dolphin. Three passing ships size are considered, the breasting dolphin shall be modeled as a single degree of freedom model. This model will be subjected to a force caused by parallel passing ship. The model is assumed to be in a state of quiet water, this assumption is taken so that the fluid does not provide additional force on the model. The SDOF system shall be analyzed using a computer program designed to solve an ordinary differential equation.