摘要:The study determined fire hazard zones in multiple tenure systems from 2001 to 2013 in Mazowe district, Zimbabwe, using Landsat 7 and 8 30m resolution images, a fire hazard model and weighted sum of burnt area. The model divided the district into high, moderate and low fire hazard zones across five tenure systems that obtain. Most of the district (50%) was in the high hazard zone. Fire events superimposed onto the zones confirmed that most of the fire events (60%) occurred in the high hazard zone. The weighted sum of burnt area revealed that 47% of the study area was not burnt. The level of fire risk in terms of pasture per livestock unit was substantially high. At 1% of land burnt four times in A2 and Communal systems involved losses of 2784 and 1682 livestock units' worth of pasture respectively. The hazard zones show hotspots needing monitoring, fire problem occurring irrespective of tenure and that the problem could be addressed. The study recommends setting up a fire command centre, involving all parties, urgent attention to the fire problem across tenure and adoption practices such as law enforcement, hierarchical structures and participation of grassroots communities in addressing the fire problem.
关键词:Fire Hazard; Fire Hazard Zone; Fire Event; Weighted Sum of Burnt Area; Pasture per Livestock Unit