摘要:This study aims to identify proper parts of B2 coking coal seam in the North block of East-Parvadeh coal deposit (Central Iran) using the C-N fractal models based on sulfur and ash values. Based on the C-N log-log plots, there are five different geochemical populations for both sulfur and ash data. First population for sulfur has ranged from 0-1.58%namely “very low sulfur population” which has best quality for coking coal and this has situated in the northern and western parts of the area. However, first and second populations for ash with ash values between 0 and 30% namely “very low ash population” and “low ash population” have suitable quality for coking coal in B2 seam which have situated mostly in the western part of the North Block. Moreover, proper parts of the B2 coking coal seam are situated in the northern and western parts of the North Block.