期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:In today’s world safety and security plays an important role, hence we tend to provide a goodsafety and security system while travelling. Vehicles are important in today’s fast-paced society. Hence,acquiring a vehicle nowadays is considered a necessity, compared to the past where it was considered aluxury. In this thriving society, more and more vehicles are produced to meet the increasing demands ofpeople and businesses from all corners of the world. Here comes the necessity to provide more and moresafety and security features to them. Hence this project aims to design an embedded system for vehiclecabin safety and security by modifying and integrating the existing modules. This monitors the level ofthe toxic gases such as CO, LPG and alcohol inside the vehicle and provides alert information in theform of alarm during the critical situations. And also send SMS to the authorised person through theGSM. An IR Sensor is used to detect the static obstacle in front of the vehicle and the vehicle getsstopped if any obstacle is detected. This may avoid accidents due to collision of vehicles with any staticobstacles.