标题:Consumer Perceptions of Fruit and Vegetable Origin, Growing Methods, and Willingness to Pay in Trinidad and Tobago Marketplaces: Implications for Extension Programming
摘要:Consumer behavior is a complex phenomenon encompassing internal, external,and situational factors. This study examined perceptions of market consumersabout fruits and vegetables in Trinidad and Tobago in terms of produce origin,growing method, and willingness to pay. A stratified purposive sample ofconsumers at 14 unique market locations was surveyed to measure the threeconstructs and demographics. Descriptive statistics, correlational analysis, a ttest,and one-way analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. Findingsrevealed consumers have positive perceptions of locally grown produce andproduce grown without chemicals. Findings also revealed a slight willingness topay more for such characteristics. There were small to moderate correlationsamong the three constructs. Male and female perceptions of locally grownproduce were significantly different, but no differences were found based on age.Extension educators working with producers who sell directly to consumers canutilize results from this study in working with clientele to tailor marketing andproduction strategies. Further research into social norms and perceivedbehavior control is recommended to better understand consumer behavior andhelp Extension better prepare stakeholders for success in the market places.
关键词:consumer perceptions; produce origin; growing methods; willingness;to pay; Extension; Trinidad and Tobago