期刊名称:International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:In the past several decades, maintenance and replacement problems have been extensively studied inthe literature. Thousands of maintenance and replacement models have been created. However, all thesemodels can fall into some categories of maintenance policies: age replacement policy, block replacementpolicy, periodic preventive maintenance policy, failure limit policy, sequential preventive maintenancepolicy, repair cost limit policy, repair time limit policy, repair number counting policy, reference timepolicy, mixed age policy, group maintenance policy, opportunistic maintenance policy, etc. Each kind ofpolicy has different characteristics, advantages and disadvantages with lot of contributions fromResearch scientist, Technologists... This survey summarizes, classifies, and compares various existingmaintenance policies Around 170 Authors and their research works are presented in the Referencesection. It will help to look into the different policies which is appropriate to the organization and forfurther study the reference section will be helpful for the researchers for further knowledge