期刊名称:Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:This paper proposes a method for the Retinal image analysis through efficient detection of exudates andrecognizes the retina to be normal or abnormal. The contrast image is enhanced by curvelet transform.Hence, morphology operators are applied to the enhanced image in order to find the retinal image ridges.A simple thresholding method along with opening and closing operation indicates the remained ridgesbelonging to vessels. The clustering method is used for effective detection of exudates of eye. Experimentalresult proves that the blood vessels and exudates can be effectively detected by applying this method on theretinal images. Fundus images of the retina were collected from a reputed eye clinic and 110 images weretrained and tested in order to extract the exudates and blood vessels. In this system we use the ProbabilisticNeural Network (PNN) for training and testing the pre-processed images. The results showed the retina isnormal or abnormal thereby analyzing the retinal image efficiently. There is 98% accuracy in the detectionof the exudates in the retina