摘要:The number of hazardous waste, in Indonesia often called B3-waste, for the past three years has been increasing quite significantly from maintenance activities and others. Increased accumulation of B3-waste is in line with the increase of production capacity with the opening of new mine projects in PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI). One of the B3-wastes that has increased its accumulation is the used oil. As of December 2015, the used oil utilization produced has been as much as 1,119,797 gallons, experiencing a surge compared to the one generated in the previous years. In order to decrease this number of used oil, a company did not send it to the third party, since the number was large so it would affect the operational shipping cost, and prevent from spillage incident by transport in order to protecting the environment. PTFI therefore took action to reclaim by utilized of the used oil as a mixture of fuel for operational works at lime production plant. According to the policy on the used oil utilization, PTFI is obliged to monitor the emission that comes out from lime plant’s chimneys. The test result documented that the stack emission had met the requirement of the Decree of the Minister of Environmental and Forestry Number 07.03.06 year 2015 on Hazardous Waste Management Permit. This test was completed to identify Total Particulates, Metals and gaseous emission of the lime plant.
关键词:B3-waste; Emission; Lime plant; Used oil; Utilization