摘要:Vertical vanes of room air-conditioners are used to control and direct cold air. This paper aims to study vertical vane as one of the parameters that affect the efficiency of dissipating cold air to a given space. The vertical vane geometry is analysed and optimised for lower production cost using CFD. The optimised geometry of the vertical vane should have the same or increased efficiency of dissipating cold air and have lesser mass compared to the existing original design. The existing original design of vertical vane is simplified and analysed by using ANSYS Fluent. Efficiency of wind direction is define as how accurate the direction of airflow coming out from vertical vane. In order to calculate the efficiency of wind direction, 15° and 30° rotation of vertical vane inside room air-conditioner are simulated. The efficiency of wind direction for 15° rotation of vertical vane is 57.81% while efficiency of wind direction for 30° rotation of vertical vane is 47.54%. The results of the efficiency of wind direction are used as base reference for parametric study. The parameters investigated for optimisation of vertical vane are focused at length of long span, tip chord and short span. The design of 15% decreased in vane surface area at tip chord is the best optimised design of vertical vane because the efficiency of wind direction is the highest as 60.32%.