出版社:Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture
摘要:The purpose of critical discourse analysis is to study the relationship between language and the ideology embedded in the text of the dialectical aspect. Critical discourse analysis is an emerging method of discourse analysis, which assimilates the results of multi-disciplinary scientific research in linguistics, psychology, sociology, media studies and so on. It attaches importance to all the non- literary discourses, but it takes news discourses as its main research object. Based on Halliday’s three metafunctions, critical discourse analysis in this thesis is done on the basis of news reports about “China’s bullet-train crash” collected from Western media. Fairclough’s three-dimensional model is adopted in the analysis, including description, interpretation and explanation. The aims of the thesis are to reveal how the Western media construct China’s image by using the different linguistic tools, explore the relationship between this constructing mode and big social cultural context, and thus unhidden the ideology embedded behind the social news reports.
关键词:Critical discourse analysis; China’s bullet-train crash; Ideology; Three-dimensional model; Western media