摘要:It becomes now significant to determine impact of coal mine activity by assessing heavy metal distribution between soil and its accumulation in forest trees at contaminated site and their peripheries. Due to heavy metal contamination in soil it enters into the plants then move to food chain. In present study the heavy metal such as Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), Cu (Copper) and Cadmium (Cd) concentrations in soil and plants (seedling and mature tree leaves) have been analysed to see the effect of Gevra coal mine, Korba district, Chhattisgarh. It has been found that the high concentration of these metals in the soil at mine site is higher than comparison to control site. The accumulation pattern shows that zinc has higher accumulation (0.998) mg/l followed by copper (0.45) mg/l and lead (0.236) mg/l at contaminated site than control site zinc (0.194, copper 0.08 and lead 0.099) mg/l respectively. Cadmium was recorded below detectable range in all soil samples. In present study three tree species Shorea robusta, Diosyprous melanoxylon and Cassia siamea were taken for analysing these metal accumulation in its seedling and leaves of mature tree. It has been observed that the concentration of heavy metal is higher in seedlings than in mature tree leaves in Shorea robustaand Cassia siamea. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of soil heavy metal pollution produced from coal mines and coal fired thermal power plants and provides supportive information in pollution control and environmental management.
关键词:Heavy metal; Coal mines site; Seedling; Soil; Mature tree