摘要:Due to urbanization, tall building became most suitable option for offices and residential building. Where space is limited, Tall and slender buildings can be utilize. In the present study the wind analysis of G+34 floor was done by Gust Loading Factor approach according to the guideline of IS-456 (Part 3)-1987 and compare the results by analyzing the same model according the guideline of the IITK. G+34 floor building were analyze by Gust Loading Factor to identify the base shear, storey drift and storey shear by using software package ETAB's 15.0.0 version. New advancement require for the calculation of the wind load in India. In this research the comparison of wind load calculation between the old IS-456(Part 3)-1987 code and proposed draft code made, so clear idea can be suggested for the wind analysis of the high rise building in India.