标题:La institucionalización de la cosmografía americana: la Casa de la Contratación de Sevilla, el Real y Supremo Consejo de Indias y la Academia de Matemáticas de Felipe II
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:In the context of the growing historiographic interest aroused by Iberian science during the Modern epoch following the discovery of America –especially among foreign authors, this article shows how the grand project of cosmographic institutionalization was carried out throughout the sixteenth century, from the Catholic Monarchs until Philip II. By examining the internal workings of the House of Trade, the Council of the Indies and the Mathematical Academy, it explains how the Universal Monarchy and its conquering motto of «Plus Ultra» intended first to encircle the Atlantic world, and later, to dominate the New World through cosmography, a basic science for maintaining an overseas empire.