标题:Producciones metalúrgicas en el nordeste de la Península Ibérica durante el III milenio cal. AC: el taller de la Bauma del Serrat del Pont (Tortellá, Girona)
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:We examine the third millennium cal. BC levels from the small rockshelter of Bauma del Serrat del Pont. The site was settled by a small group, building a perishable structure except in the II. 5 level. Some evidence suggests a seasonal occupation of the site. Multidisciplinary research shows a broad spectrum of local resources involved in the dairy life of this people, including those related to metallurgical activity. We find very old tin alloys, plain or bell beaker decorated pot-furnaces (used to smelt copper ores) and clay tuyeres.
关键词:Catalonia;Chalcolithic;Bell beaker Metallurgy;Pot-furnace;Tuyeres;Copper ore;Tin alloy;Rockshelter;Cataluña;Calcolítico;Campaniforme;Metalurgia;Vasija-horno;Tobera;Mineral de cobre;Aleación con estaño;Abrigo