标题:La sierra de Atapuerca durante el Holoceno: datos preliminares sobre las ocupaciones de la Edad del Bronce en la Cueva de El Mirador (Ibeas de Juarros, Burgos)
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The paper presents data from the El Mirador cave, part of the Sierra de Atapuerca project. The data deriving from the first two stratigraphical excavation campaigns (1999 and 2000) are illustrated. A 2.5-m thick Holocene succession, containing Neolithic and Bronze Age occupations, was excavated and sampled using a multidisciplinary perspective. Preliminary data on the Bronze Age occupations indicate the utilization of the rock-shelter for various activities, among them animal stabling, habitation and burial. Animal stabling led to the accumulation of characteristic burnt layers, never seen before in the Meseta region or in wider European context. A Bronze Age collective burial showing evidence of pre-treatment of bodies before their deposition, and a stratified metal axe, were also found.
关键词:Sierra de Atapuerca;El Mirador cave;Holocene;Bronze Age;Burnt layers;Collective burial;Sierra de Atapuerca;Cueva de El Mirador;Holoceno;Edad del Bronce;Niveles de corral;Inhumación colectiva