出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This paper presents a general account of a research project that has been carried on since 1996 for the investigation, preservation and social use of the Archaeological District of La Garma (Cantabria, Spain). Special emphasis is placed on the problems involved in the conservation of the surface archaeological remains and the Palaeolithic rock art of the Galería Inferior. Subsequently, the role of La Garma inside its local socio-economic context is evaluated. Finally, the possibilities and limitations of public use of the La Garma area are also discussed.
关键词:Palaeolithic;Magdalenian;Mesolithic;Chalcolithic;Bronze Age;Rock Art;Floors;Hillforts;Public Archaeology;Protection of the Archaeological Heritage;Cantabrian region;Northern Spain;Paleolítico;Magdaleniense;Mesolitico;Calcolitico;Edad del Bronce;Arte rupestre;Suelos de ocupación;Castros;Arqueología pública;Gestión del Patrimonio;Conservación del Patrimonio