标题:Estudio transdisciplinar de la fosa EE1 de la Cova Colomera (Prepirineo de Lleida): implicaciones domésticas y paleoambientales en el Bronce Antiguo del noreste de la Península Ibérica
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The transdisciplinary study of the EE1 pit of the Cova Colomera has provided a group of data that can bring some important information about the domestic and economical practices developed in the cave and also about the paleoenvironmental characteristics of this area of the Northeast of the peninsula during the third to second millennia cal. BC. The data show that this cave was used by small groups of people with a mixed farming economy, who also had recourse to mobile activities to complete their diet. Moreover, some structures dug in the floor of the cavity were dug by these groups and went out of use during their short stays in the Cova Colomera. The functionality of these structures is discussed in this article. They could have used them to store surpluses and later to contain refuse or to remove the domestic waste.
关键词:Prepyrenean Lleida;Bronze Age;Palaeoecology;Palaeoeconomy;Epicampaniforme;Prepirineo de Lleida;Edad del Bronce;Paleoecología;Paleoeconomía;Epicampaniforme