出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The Iberian chamber tomb of Toya (Jaén, Spain), was found at the beginning of this century, but its grave goods were divided among several collections. This paper offers a complete study of this important find for the first time.
关键词:Iberian Culture;Chamber tomb;Grave goods;Guadiana Menor Valley;Toya;Peal de Becerro;Cazorla;J. Cabré;M. Gómez-Moreno;A. Vives;Cultura Ibérica;Tumba de cámara;Ajuar funerario;Toya;Guadiana Menor;Peal de Becerro;Cazorla;J. Cabré;M. Gómez-Moreno;A. Vives