首页    期刊浏览 2024年06月26日 星期三


  • 标题:El movimiento wagneriano en Murcia (1879-1922)
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  • 作者:Enrique Encabo Fernández
  • 期刊名称:Anuario Musical
  • 印刷版ISSN:1988-4125
  • 出版年度:2011
  • 卷号:0
  • 期号:66
  • 页码:211-234
  • 语种:Spanish
  • 出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
  • 摘要:The Wagnerian movement in Murcia had to overcome some initial resistance. Nonetheless, this movement would have the same characteristics as in other places: a bourgeois, urban movement linked to the idea of modernity and progress. Two stages can be distinguished in the assimilation of Wagnerian music in Murcia. The fi rst stage, in which Wagner’s music is more often read than played; this initial phase would end with the representation in 1890 of the opera Lohengrin in Murcia. In the second stage, the audience in Murcia would have the opportunity to enjoy a more symphonic Wagner thanks to the work of symphonic musical ensembles (bands and chamber groups) and the concerts offered (from 1910) by the Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid.
  • 关键词:Wagner;Murcia;19th Century;Opera;Press;Critical Review;Wagner;Murcia;Siglo XIX;Ópera;Prensa;Crítica musical