出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Despite the fact that the close relation between masculine sociability and the world of prostitution has often been pointed out, historians of sociability in modern Spain, and in particular popular sociability, have privileged better recognized and more legitimate forms as the object of study. Among them are recreation circles, choral societies, mutual aid societies and workers associations. The intention of this article is to analyze the space of prostitution in its different forms (but principally that of the tolerated brothel with established prostitutes) as a space of masculine sociability (for clients, with the rite of the collective visit to the whorehouse and the salón of the brothel as a space of leisure) but also of feminine sociability between prostitutes, thereby examining daily life in the brothel.
关键词:Brothel;Spain;Prostitution;Sexuality;Nineteenth century;Twentieth century;Sociability;Burdel;España;Prostitución;Sexualidad;Siglos XIX y XX;Sociabilidad