摘要:We present the first individual and stacking systematic search forγ-ray emission in the GeV band in the directions of 45 superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) with theFermiLarge Area Telescope (LAT). No excess ofγ-rays from the SLSN positions was found. We reportγ-ray luminosity upper limits and discuss the implication of these results on the origin of SLSNe and, in particular, the scenario of central compact object-aided SNe. From the stacking search, we derived an upper limit at 95% confidence level to theγ-ray luminosity (above 600 MeV)Lγ< 9.1 × 1041erg s−1for an assumedE−2photon spectrum for our full SLSN sample. We conclude that the rate of the neutron stars born with millisecond rotation periodsP≲ 2 ms andB~ 1012−13G must be lower than the rate of the observed SLSNe. The luminosity limits obtained on individual sources are also constraining: in particular, SN2013fc, CSS140222, SN2010kd, and PTF12dam can only be born with millisecond periods ifB≲ 1013G.
关键词:Key wordsengamma rays: generalsupernovae: general