摘要:Kakawin Karón?ntaka has uniques things that can be seen from the title itself.The titles of this literature is “Karón?ntaka” by “Sang Kawi”(writers) which literallymeans “the death of Karna”.Generally, the characteristics of the main character is crueland egoistic.He defends Korawa who likes doing cheating and wickedness.He alsoopposes the kindness and the rightness.But in this Kakawin Karón?ntaka, the maincharacter “Karna” is become protagonist.That is why the writer is interested inanalysing this Kakawin Karón?ntaka in semiotics.In this research is mainly purposed toanalyze the meaning of Kakawin Karón?ntaka by matrix and model.The method that isused in collecting data is reading text method.The data were analyzed based on theprinciple and semiotics as the main base.This research provided the meaning of KakawinKarón?ntaka and was firstly done by matrix analysis.The matrix of KakawinKarón?ntaka is “satya wakya”.There is also another meaning of Kakawin Karón?ntaka,that is, loyal to the words (satya wakya).