摘要:The studied area is located in 30th km of Bouien-Zahra road in Saveh in southern border of Khiaraj 1:100,000 Geology map rectangle (Danesfahan) in South of Takestan of Iran. This area is a part of volcano-plutonic belt of Urumia-Dokhtar. Rocky outcrops in this area are mainly in two types of volcanic and plutonic. Volcanic Rocks with the age of Eocene are Trachyte to trachyandesite and andesite to basalt-andesite. Plutonic stones with the age of Oligo-Miocene to Miocene are in types of quartz diorite, quartz monzonite, Monzonite and Semi-acidic volcanic domes and granite aplite. Due to having dominant fault systems with trends of NW-SE and NE-SW in an intersectional manner in this area, vein-veinlets Siliciclastic sulfide mineralization can be observed in line with the same faults. Monzonite intrusive rocks are considered as host stone of these mineralizations. The information obtained from field observations and laboratory studies confirms the main alteration along with mineralization in types of silicic and pyrite, sericite, carbonate, argillic and propylitic. Mineralogy Paragenesis in the study area includes Pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, colitis, malachite, hematite and goethite and the most important Gang minerals including quartz, calcite, albite, sericite, kaolinite, pyrophyllite, epidote, alunite and jarosite, and according to carried out studies, copper, gold and silver are among mineralizing elements and elements such as molybdenum, cadmium, arsenic and mercury show anomalies as accompanying and guidance elements in some of the samples. The grade of copper in this area in sulfide siliciclastic veins is 1% to 3% and the grade of gold is 130 ppm and the grade of silver is reportable from 0.5 ppm to 6 ppm. Based on the geothermometry studies of fluid inclusions, homogenization temperature from 150°C to 300°C and the salinity grade from 4 to 5.5 percent indicate the fact that an epithermal hydrothermal system in final stages controls the mineralization of the area.
关键词:MineralizationEpithermalGeochemicalAlterationCopperGoldSouth of Takestan