出版社:Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
摘要:The emergence of Collective Healthundergraduate courses in Brazil hascalled into question the degree ofdiversity in processes that give legitimacyto professional practice and push forrecognition of the identity of the “new”Public Health professional. The objectiveof this study was to analyze the identityof Public Health professionals based ontheir formation in Public and CollectiveHealth undergraduate courses in Brazil.This is an exploratory, qualitative study,carried out by means of focus group.Dubar’s subjective trajectories, logics ofmobility and identity forms was used asa theoretical framework. Although mostparticipants have no previous interestin working with Collective Health, theiraffinities are revealed by the way inwhich they define themselves, an elementthat supports the social constructionof professional identities. Subjects andidentities become part of the discursiveoutput of many utterances, characterizedby a vision of the political and socialdimensions and the values that areinherent to medical practice in that field
关键词:Collective Health; Human resources in Health; Professional identity; Professional education.