摘要:This paper describes an original approach dealing with AC/DC winding design in electrical machines. A research software called “ANFRACTUS Tool 1.0”, allowing automatic generation of all windings in multi-phases electrical machines, has been developed using the matrix representation. Unlike existent methods, where the aim is to synthesize a winding with higher performances, the proposed method provides the opportunity to choose between all doable windings. The specificity of this approach is based on the fact that it take only the slots, phases and layers number as input parameters. The poles number is not requested to run the generation process. Windings generation by matrix representation may be applied for any number of slots, phases and layers. The software do not deal with the manner that coils are connected but just the emplacement of coils in each slot with its current sense. The waveform and the harmonic spectrum of the total magnetomotive force (MMF) are given as result.