摘要:An error correction model for ultrasonic gas flowmeter was proposed to explore the potential of an ultrasonic flowmeter for metering gas-liquid stratified and annular flows. The gas and liquid mass flowrates could be obtained provided that the gas quality and physical prosperities were known. A single-path ultrasonic flowmeter was investigated and the error of the apparent volumetric flowrate was considered as mainly resulting from the shrinkage of the gas flow path due to the presence of a liquid phase. Fourteen void fraction models were selected for the stratified and annular flows and evaluated against experimental data. It was demonstrated that the root-mean-square error of the gas mass flowrate can be reduced from 19.0% to below 5% by employing either of Lockhart & Martinelli, Baroczy, Spedding & Chen, or Wallis void fraction models. Lockhart & Martinelli model is recommended due to its higher accuracy, simpler formulation, sounder theoretical support, and stronger immunity to pressure variation. The error correction model proposed in this work provides a basis for developing new combination measurement methods with an ultrasonic flowmeter as one component.