摘要:This study used ANSYS simulation software for analyzing an ultraviolet (UV) (355 nm) laser processing system. The laser apparatus was used in a stainless steel CIGS solar cell P2 layer for simulation analysis. CIGS films process order according to SiO2 layer, molybdenum electrode, CIGS absorbed layer, CdS buffered layer, i-ZnO penetrate light layer, TCO front electrode, MgF resist reflected materials, andelectrode materials. The simulation and experimental results were compared to obtain a laser-delineated P2 laser with a low melting and vaporization temperature. According to the simulation results, the laser function time was 135 μs, the UV laser was 0.5 W, and the P2 layer thin films were removed. The experimental results indicated that the electrode pattern of the experiment was similar to that of the simulation result, and the laser process did not damage the base plate. The analysis results confirm that the laser apparatus is effective when applied to a stainless steel CIGS solar cell P2 layer.