摘要:Pump-turbines were always running at partial condition with the power grid changing. Flow separations and stall phenomena were obvious in the pump-turbine. Most of the RANS turbulence models solved the shear stress by linear difference scheme and isotropic models, so they could not capture all kinds of vortexes in the pump-turbine well. At present, partially-averaged Navier-Stokes (PANS) model has been found to be better than LES in simulating flow regions especially those with less discretized grid. In this paper, a new nonlinear PANS turbulence model was proposed, which was modified from RNG k-ε turbulence model and the shear stresses were solved by Ehrhardt's nonlinear methods. The nonlinear PANS model was used to study the instability of “S” region of a model pump-turbine with misaligned guide vanes (MGV). The opening of preopened guide vanes had great influence on the “S” characteristics. The optimal relative opening of the preopened guide vanes was 50% for the improvement of the “S” characteristics. Pressure fluctuations in the vaneless space were analyzed. It is found that the dominant frequency at the vaneless space was twice the blade passing frequency, while the second dominant frequency decreased as the preopening increased.