摘要:This study aims to determine the Implementation of Higher Education Financing in Indonesia which focuses on the accountability and transparency of higher education budgets management. The survey research was conducted at universities spread across the Sumatra and Java islands from October 2012 to October 2013, and proportionally selected 8 universities as sampling which were categorized as Applied Science-Technology and Educational Universities based. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic technique and narrative descriptive technique using an approach popularized by Miles and Huberman. The study concluded that: 1) planning and budgeting system of higher education is carried out by centralization system, making it relatively easy for coordinating and consolidating policies and implementing higher education budget, 2) college policy autonomy in the management and implementation of Tri Darma of Higher Education authorizes Head of Higher Education to specify the orientation of university programs and activities, and 3) university’s system and management mechanism, particularly the pattern of the planning and allocating budgets and costs, have to be continued to be updated to avoid commercialization of higher education. In general, higher education funding synchronization significantly affects the quality of higher education.