摘要:Magnetorheological Fluid (MRF), as an advanced and smart material which was controlled by magnetic field, was a kind of stable suspension in which magnetic particle dissolved in base fluid. The yield stress, one of main performance parameters of MRF, was the demarcation point between liquid and solid. At present, the yield stress calculation model did not have a uniform standard. The research on yield stress model was significant to the research on MRF. First, the research was based on the MRF characteristic and the research status of MRF sheer yield stress; second the classic dipole model, local field dipole model, polarized pellet model, continuous models on the average had been calculated and compared. The classic dipole model and local field dipole model had a well ability to describe the yield stress of MRF.
关键词:MRFClassic Dipole ModelLocal Field Dipole ModelPolarized Pellet ModelContinuous Models