摘要:An attempt was made to evaluate the nutritional status of ebiripo using cocoyam/soyflour/soyresidue blends. Ebiripo fortified with 40% soyflour was significantly higher in protein (28%) and fat (8.4%) than the other ebiripo samples. Unfortified ebiripo was the highest in ash (7.23%) and total carbohydrate (28.77%). Ebiripo fortified with 10% soyflour was significantly higher in K (1.53%) and Ca (0.62%). Generally, unfortified ebiripo was higher in general acceptability and ebiripo fortified with soyflour was better accepted than ebiripo fortified with soy residue. The Journal of Food Technology in Africa Volume 7 No.1, 2002, pp. 30-32 KEY WORDS: Ebiripo, Fortified, soyflour, soyresidue.