摘要:The purpose of this research is to provide some understanding of Twitter Networks, using the data from the Twitter discussion generated on the State of the Union from Governor Eruviel Avila in 2015 and 2016. We analyzed and compared Network Links from tweets of two years, using Netlytic as a mining text tool. This research presents two contributions: 1) the links analysis perspective of social media; and, 2) we proposes a methodology to assess the impact of online social media and government promotion. Our findings suggest that citizens use social media platforms to interact with politicians in offices, and supports the argument about “networked individualism” in which analyzed Twitter accounts reveal many citizens’ opinions and retweets related to the governor’s use of YouTube for his State of the Union speech. Decision-makers can use this study to improve communication with their customers (public) and allocate resources effectively for better public services. Finally, the last trend has tried to understand content analysis by wording. There is a lack of research about network links, their quality and users that are part of such network to understand in an integrated perspective the impact of social media.