摘要:Nitrogen (N) is most likely to affect plants growth and development. However, the variation response of warm season grass widely used in China to different N levels is poorly addressed. The objective of this study was to characterize and compare the growth response, N accumulation and partitioning of twenty warm-season grasses at different N levels [0 (low), 5 (control), and 40 mM (high)] in a hydroponic experiment. The warm-season grasses include five groups: zoysiagrass, centipedegrass, bermudagrass, paspalum, and spiny mud grass. Warm-season grasses decreased in turf height (TH), leaf length, leaf width (LW), total plant dry weight (DW) and total plant accumulated N, but the plant nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) significantly increased compared with that of the control at low N level; under high N level, the TH, LW, root DW, total plant DW, and plant NUE showed no significant difference from the control, suggesting that it is not necessary to apply a large amount of N. The centipedegrass was the most tolerant of the low N supply, followed by zoysiagrass, bermudagrass, paspalum, and spiny mud grass. The spiny mud grass was sensitive to the low N supply because the ratio of DW and accumulated N allocated to clipping decreased the most, and the plant NUE increased the least. The centipedegrass tolerated the low N supply because the ratio of DW allocated to the roots increased the most and the plant NUE increased the most when compared with that of the control. The cultivars ;Suzhi No.l’,;Yangjiang’,;E92-1’,and 'Adalayd5 had the potential to be used as low-maintenance warm season grass.