摘要:Incubated branches of coral Stylophora pistil-lata in five sites along the Jordanian coast of the Gulf of Aqaba were investigated to determine trace elements composition and mineral phase in their skeleton using Energy Disperse X-rays (EDX) and X-ray Dif-fraction (XRD), respectively. The mineral phase was identified as aragonite. Six trace elements were found in coral skeletons: Mg, Sr, S, Cl, Ni, and Na. Coral branches from the Public Beach site was found to contain the highest concentrations of trace ele-ments compared to other sites due to the impact of human activities. Samples from the Phosphate Ter-minal were poorly mineralized and dominated by organic matrix, having only 10% of the average calcium present in the samples from other sites. This could be attributed to the role of phosphate in inhibition of calcification and enhancement of photosynthesis. The variations in elemental contents of the coral from different sites along the Jordanian coast of the Gulf of Aqaba are proposed as environmental proxies of seawater chemistry and anthropogenic activities.
关键词:Gulf of Aqaba;coral;Stylophora pistillata\ Trace elements;Energy Disperse X-rays;Calcium