摘要:Caroline R. Cahill, Stasinos Stavrianeas. Assessing Dietary Changes in International Students and the Barriers to Healthy Living Abroad: A Review. JEPonline 2013;16(4):51-63. The United States hosts the largest number of international students each year. Although mental health studies have reported on students living abroad, extensive information about the potential physiological changes in this population of students remains relatively unknown. Our findings indicate that real and perceived barriers limit the international students’ ability to develop healthy living and eating patterns. Additionally, where there is a lack of available data pertaining to international students, we have used college freshmen from the United States as a comparative group for understanding the potential psychological and physiological stressors. College freshman and international students living abroad share similar characteristics, such as relocating to and navigating in a new environment. We propose universities that host international students should offer nutritional and physical education programs that support and encourage a healthy and active lifestyle.