摘要:Silva FF, Souza RA, Carvalho WRG, Costa RP, Jerônimo DP, Silveira Júnior L. Analysis of Acute Cardiovascular Responses in Experienced Practitioners of Capoeira: A Brazilian Art Form. JEPonline 2015;15(6):112-119. Capoeira is a Brazilian art form that combines elements of martial arts, sports, and dance. The aim of this study was to examine the acute cardiovascular responses (ACR) of three main rhythms of capoeira: Angola, Banguela, and São Bento. Thirty subjects participated in this study. These subjects were enrolled in an advanced capoeira class. Before the tests, subjects were kept 10 min at rest to ensure basal values regarding the cardiovascular parameters: arterial blood pressure (systolic and diastolic, SBP and DBP, respectively), heart rate (HR) and double product (DP). Subjects in pairs of the same gender were randomly assigned to the rhythms Angola, Banguela, and São Bento with a 1 wk interval between the tests. Each rhythm had duration of 3 min and all subjects were encouraged to develop their maximum performance during the test. After the tests, SBP, DBP, HR, and DP were determined. The findings suggest that capoeira can be used as an effective activity for promoting physical health.