摘要:Mattern CO, Campbell B, Carson T, Charland J, Craven WS, Filip N, Watt CA, Yaple R, Byrne HK. The Addition of Protein to a Carbohydrate Endurance Supplement Does Not Enhance Running Performance. JEPonline 2014;17(5):31-42. It is unclear whether or not the isocaloric addition of protein (PRO) to a carbohydrate (CHO) endurance exercise supplement improves exercise performance and/or recovery. Thus, the two-fold purpose of this study was to: (a) determine if a PRO+CHO beverage ingested during and/or after endurance exercise improves performance in a subsequent exercise bout compared to CHO alone; and (b) if the timing of the supplement influences recovery and subsequent exercise performance. Using a randomized crossover design, 9 endurance trained subjects (age = 33 ± 12.7 yrs; VO2 max = 65.1 ± mL·kg -1 ·min -1 , body fat = 7.9 ± 2.98%) received a beverage containing CHO (0.65 g of CHO·kg -1 ) or CHO + PRO (0.52 g of CHO·kg -1 plus 0.13 g of protein·kg -1 ) participated in a 1-hr run at 67% ± 5.4 of VO2 max. During a 7-hr recovery period, the subjects were given beverages that contained either CHO (1.0 g of CHO·kg -1 ) or CHO+PRO (0.80 g of CHO·kg -1 plus 0.20 g of protein·kg -1 ) immediately post-exercise and at 1 hr and 4 hrs of during recovery. Then, the subjects ran a 10-km time trial. There were no statistical differences in blood glucose or insulin during or after exercise among the four nutritional conditions. There was no difference between type or timing of the supplement on the 10-km performance, suggesting that the combination of PRO+CHO affords no additional benefit when compared to CHO alone.