摘要:The goal of this study was to assay the trace metal contents in Fragaria ananassa. Samples were collected from 14 sites located in Campania and Lazio regions (Italy). The sites selection was made considering their different human impact in order to evaluate the possible role of Fragaria ananassa as bioaccumulator.The areas located in Campania region, according to a document from the Civil Protection Department in 2007, were reported like a high risk of exposure and mortality due to an important human impact. Instead, ARPA Lazio reports classified the two sites selected in the Lazio region as polluted and not for air pollution. In order to evaluate the possible contamination source the content of these elements in the soil and in irrigation water has been analysed. The data showed that Cd contaminated the strawberries sampled in several sites located in the Caserta province and in one of the two sites located in Latina province in accordance with FAO/WHO. Besides, the enrichment factor evidenced an anthropic origin in several sites.