摘要:Toxic substances, including heavy metals, may be present in foods; they may also enter the food chain as a result of human activities, including industrial or agricultural processes. Mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium, among others, rank as some of the most hazardous metals as they accumulate in biological tissues in a process known as bioaccumulation. This process is common among all living organisms and happens due to the exposure to metals in the food and environment. Humans as well as animals suffer the consequences of heavy metals in their diets. Therefore, it is crucial to have the heavy metals levels in foods under control, so as to ensure that human health is not adversely affected.In this study, we determined the levels of zinc, copper, lead and cadmium in potato samples in Kastriot, a town where Kosovo’s two power plants are situated. We also determined the bioavailability of these elements from soil samples which can enter the food chain. For the determination of heavy metals in bioavailable form, we used the inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) technique; whereas for the determination of heavy metals in potato we used the AAS method.The results of this study show that the concentration of heavy metals in potato samples are from 0.78 to 32.25 mg kg-1 for zinc, copper as of 2.34 to 7.55 mg kg-1 and lead from 0.34 to 1.84 mg kg-1. On the other hand, cadmium was below the minimal detectable value. Overall, certain agricultural zones are considered risky to the health of the local consumers.
关键词:heavy metals;pollution;coal power plants;food;bioavailability