摘要:Authentication with key-agreement protocols for multi-server architecture are emerging as asolution to conquer the traditional client-server architecture’s limitations such as repeated registrations withdistinct tokens and credentials. Since Li et al.’s first proposed authentication protocol for multi-serverarchitecture, several liken protocols have tailed this queue. Majority of these protocols have been designedwhile the users sharing their plain or digested credentials with the servers during either registration orauthentication phases. This weakens the security by making it vulnerable to severe security threats calledprivileged insider attacks, user impersonation attacks and server impersonation attacks. To overcome theaforementioned problems, this paper put forwards an authentication with key-agreement protocol formulti-server architecture based on biometrics. The proposed protocol is absolutely light-weight due to itsdesign mainly based on one-way hash function. The analysis section of this paper shows that the proposedprotocol performs better than related protocols and makes it suitable for practical applications.