期刊名称:Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin
出版社:De Nationale Geologiske Undersoegelser for Danmark og Groenland
摘要:The powerful 3D mapping tool at the photogrammetrylaboratory of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) is ideal for collecting high-quality 3D geological data in remote and inaccessible areas with a high degreeof exposure such as Greenland (Vosgerau et al. 2010). So farthis 3D mapping tool has been used to visualise and extractvery precise geological data from aerial and oblique photographs. In the study reported on here, the 3D mapping toolwas used to generate data for 3D geological modelling. TheSkaergaard intrusion (Fig. 1) is a well-known Eocene layeredgabbro. The study of the intrusion has had great importancefor the understanding of magmatic petrology, magma differentiation and fractional crystallisation since the early studies by Wager & Deer (1939). It was chosen for 3D modellingbecause it is well studied from a petrological point of viewand because the shape of the magma chamber was previouslymodelled in a network of 2D cross sections (Nielsen 2004).In this paper, it is modelled for the first time in 3D usinga detailed 1:20 000 scale geological map (McBirney 1989),1:27 000 scale aerial photographs from 1973, data from drillholes and geophysical data.