期刊名称:Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin
出版社:De Nationale Geologiske Undersoegelser for Danmark og Groenland
摘要:The Danish subsurface contains deep geothermal resources which may contribute for hundreds of years to the mixedDanish energy supply (Mathiesen et al. 2009). At presentonly a limited fraction of these resources are utilised inthree existing geothermal power plants in Thisted, Margretheholm and Sønderborg (Fig. 1) where warm formation water is pumped to the surface from a production welland, after heat extraction, returned to the subsurface ininjection wells (Fig. 2). Deep geothermal energy has theadvantage of being a sustainable and environmentallyfriendly energy source which is furthermore independent of climate and seasonal variations, in contrast to windand solar energy. The implementation of deep geothermalenergy for district heating replacing conventional energysources, especially coal and oil, may thus lead to a considerable reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases. There are therefore good reasons to include geothermal energy asa central component in Denmark’s future supply of energyfor district heating. Furthermore, heat-demanding industries may consider the possibility to integrate geothermalenergy and energy storage in their production process.