摘要:The aim of this research was to use the Institute of Atmospheric Physics Dynamical SeasonalPrediction (IAP DCP) Model to simulate rainfall over the Indochina Peninsular with a domain of 5° by 4° gridspacing. The IAP DCP Model was shown to simulate monsoon events over the ICP during the pre-monsoonand Southwest monsoon seasons during a period starting in the year 2000 and concluding in 2015. Theobservation data was compared to the results from The Global Precipitation Climatology Project Version-2.3(GPCP). Gathering the area average rate of rainfall was the first step in comparing the results between the IAPDCP and GPCP. The second step used a statistical method (RMSE and MAE) to compare the results from theIAP DCP. The third step, regarding the mean rate of rainfall spatial distribution of pre-monsoon, can capturethe trend rate of rainfall over the centre and North of Thailand. In the same way, the mean rate of rainfall spatialdistribution of Southwest monsoons is accepted over India, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand. In general, theperformance of simulation by the IAP DCP gave a good rate of rainfall area prediction when compared withGPCP data over the ICP. However, the mem_mean performed better in simulating statistics and spatialdistribution when compared with other members. The mem_mean technique of seven members demonstratedan improved performance for the rate of rainfall and showed good statistical value in this research.