摘要:A high resolution numerical study was carried out to simulate a series of upwelling events and related nutrient transport in the Gulf of Finland. In order to characterize the intensity of water motions of different nature in the surface layer, simulated velocity components were decomposed into mesoscale fluctuations, inertial oscillations and mean currents. Mean cur- rents contained 14%, inertial oscillations 20% and mesoscale fluctuations 66% of the total kinetic energy. High values of kinetic energy of mesoscale fluctuations were in the coastal zones (up to 0.03 m 2 s –2 ) due to along-shore baroclinic upwelling/downwelling jets and in the narrowest western-central part (0.01–0.02 m 2 s –2 ) of the Gulf, where intensive squirts and eddies were formed. In this region also the most intensive coastal offshore exchange of upwelled nutrients occurred. The total content of phosphorus and nitrogen in the upper 10-m layer introduced by the upwelling events was estimated at 1100 tonnes, with a clear excess of phosphorus.