摘要:Climate-induced changes in phytoplankton were examined over a 14-year period in a remote humic headwater lake recovering from acidification. The time series analysis revealed that the total biomass as well as the biomass of the two dominant taxa — the raphidophyte Gonyostomum semen and Peridinium dinoflagellates — decreased (changes as indicated by trends –0.014 g m–3 yr–1 and –0.006 g m–3 yr–1, respectively), whereas the biomass of the subdominant Cryptomonas spp. did not change. The timing of ice-out, the extent of the spring circulation or the length of the stratification period could not be firmly connected to the phytoplankton phenology. Concentrations of major nutrients decreased during the period, whereas the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and water colour increased. These changes probably led to the decrease in the biomass of the dominant G. semen and Peridinium spp., and thus in the total phytoplankton biomass.