摘要:This special issue closes the scientific work of the Finnish Centre of Excellence (FCoE) in "Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Meteorology of Atmospheric composition and Climate change", conducted during the six-year period between 2008 and 2013. The issue starts with a paper that synthesizes our scientific progress made during the project, including the most important new findings, international collaboration and outlook for future research (Kulmala et al. 2014). The synthesis and outlook is followed by 24 research papers presenting the latest scientific results obtained during the project. These papers cover the following five subject areas: (1) formation and growth of atmospheric aerosol particles, (2) ions and clusters, (3) aerosol–cloud interactions, (4) biosphere–atmosphere interactions, and (5) earth system behavior. The last paper of the special issue lies at the interface between science and society, demonstrating innovative activities of the FCoE to make scientific findings approachable to the general public.