出版社:Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
摘要:This study started from the fact that many of the students were not interested in learning mathematics; they were slow in calculating and obtained low learning output. The reasons were that mathematics instruction was still dominated with lecture methods and the students were not actively involved in the teaching- learning process. This study aimed at improving the third grade students’ calculating skill using snakes and ladders game. The subjects of this study were twenty six students in the third grade of SD Negeri Pecarikan in the academic year of 2009-2010. This study was conducted using classroom action research following the framework proposed by Stephen Kemmis and Robin Mc Taggart. This study was carried out in two cycles; each covered four phases that were: (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. The data gathering technique was carried out through test and observation, while the instruments used were test, observation sheets, and field notes. The data obtained were then analyzed using quantitative descriptive approach. The result showed that before implementing snakes and ladders game, the students learning output were considered low with the number of students failing to pass the minimum requirements criteria was 50%. After implementing snakes and ladders game, the students’ calculating skill improved. The result showed improvement that the percentage of students achieving minimum requirements criteria in the first cycle was 73,1% to 80,8% in the second cycle. The learning output also improved in the average from 7,49 to 7,74 in the end of the second cycle. Keywords: Snakes and Ladders Game, Calculating Skill, Third Grade Students