摘要:Dos-Santos JW, de Mello MAR. Responses of Blood LactateConcentration in Aerobic and Anaerobic Training Protocols at DifferentSwimming Exercise Intensities in Rats. JEPonline 2011;14(3):34-42.Recently, we published in JEPonline, 2010;13(5):27-43, a swimmingperiodized experimental training model in rats in which different trainingprotocols (TP) were classified in aerobic (A) and anaerobic (AN)intensity levels. The purpose of the present study was to verify if theclassification of the TP used in the periodized training experimentalmodel presented the blood lactate concentration [La] response adequateto the aerobic and anaerobic intensities levels. Twenty three male Wistarrats were divided into three groups. Two groups of swimming training(continuous, CT, n = 7, and periodized training, PET, n = 7) rats wereevaluated during 5 weeks in eight different TP (TP-1 to TP-8) throughthe analysis of the [La] response. The third group was the sedentarycontrol (SC, n = 9). The TP were classified in five intensity levels, threeaerobic (A-1, A-2, A-3) and two anaerobic (AN-1, AN-2). Analysis ofvariance (ANOVA one-way, P<0.05) indicated significant differences inthe [La] among the TP and among the five intensity levels. All TP of theA-2 and A-3 intensity levels differed from the A-1 and AN-1. The A-1 andAN-1 also differed among them. These findings demonstrate that the TPwere classified properly at different levels of aerobic and anaerobicintensities, as based on the [La] response in a way similar to that of highperformance swimming with humans. The results offer new perspectivesfor the study of exercise training in swimming rats at different levelsintensity for performance or for health.