摘要:Previously mandated devolution of autonomy as part of the authorities, educational autonomy in fact have been outlined clearly where there is the role of central government and local governments, especially counties/cities in management education. In some cases the implementation was not running smoothly. It is caused by various perceptions, different way of looking at, as well as the varied interests as well. Implementation of the autonomy of education who now began to raise issues, among others, relating to teacher management, and decentralized management of facilities. An example is not being completion of the management of classrooms, where each year is always a problem. Based on data from the Ministry of National Education in the year 2009/2010 at the elementary level than 808,872 public elementary school classrooms, only 476,209 rooms in good condition. Knowingly education finance all educational levels when treated by the government alone of course is very heavy. The good news is the role of the community in providing educational facilities is increasing from year to year. Data from the Ministry of National Education in 2003/2003 at the elementary level there are 10,223 private schools, while in 2009/2010 rose to 12,689 private elementary school. Behind it was the number of primary schools decreased, because closed, merged or other causes so that the lower the provision of classrooms for the community. The increasing role of the community through private schools was encouraging, but if the public school diminishing public access would not be able to obtain an affordable education will be increasingly difficult as the choice of education in private schools would be problematic, especially costs for certain groups. Keywords: Journey, Education Policy